inspired by nature &
made with love

ceramics, photography, apparel and other artworks

available pottery

knitted landscape sweaters


featured collections

& in case you didn't know...

I'm also a poet! my debut poetry collection, brackish, is a compilation of memories, dreams, and explorations. It contemplates relationships, and functions as a processing of everyday life, while weaving its own narrative, and serving almost as an ode to nature. In this collection, I navigate the mixing and combining of all of these facets—the way that brackish is a mix of fresh and salt water—and how that essentially amounts to the human experience. 

order your signed copy!

learn more about brackish here

a little bit about me

Hey there! I'm Nicole, & this is my doggo/adventure buddy, Lyla. I'm a potter, poet & writer based out out of Southern California. I've been making art and crafting since I was old enough to fingerpaint, but I started making pots in college, and never looked back. My work is hugely influenced by my interactions with nature/the environment, and mostly when I'm not writing or wheel-thowing, you can find Ly & I out adventuring and sourcing new inspiration.

more about me & my process